Monday, June 18, 2012


I'm undisciplined. I also don't have time to blog, so the thought that I should have one that I only update once every month and a half is probably an insult to religious bloggers everywhere. Here's the good news: the fact that I have no time to update means that I'm having such a fun time over summer! And that I'll have plenty of entertaining stories that just wouldn't be done the justice that they would in person. Here's to summer :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The In-Between...

Definitely the In-Between stage for my summer because I'm not completely positive as to what it's going to look like yet. However, I do have a couple stories to share...

1.) Ryan made it to CIF Finals! Yay! His 2-mile personal record of 9:45 was enough to get him there, and though he didn't make it to the next level (competition was fierce, my friends), he still ran a great race of 9:53, complete with a psychotic sister shouting from the sidelines. In fact, the only reason I don't have pictures and/or video is because I was just way too crazy to think about it.

2.) I am officially a nun. Well, a singing nun. In Austria. (Which are the best types of nuns, right??) I found out this week that I got a part in the Sound of Music that they're doing locally at a theatre, and I must say that I am pretty excited to cross that sucker off my bucket list because I've never been in a high school or community musical or play...ever. I've also never been a nun, so that'll be a fun one. Interesting and/or comedic stories to follow.

3.) As far as my volunteership goes, I had an interview-type thing, a lovely live scan fingerprint thing (which is amazing, thank you, Technology), and all I have left is a TB test (which I am avoiding like the Dickens due to my wooziness with needles in my forearm (not my upper arm though, weird.). I'll also tell you how THAT one goes.

4.) Job status: searching, like the rest of America.

I also got to see AVENGERS for Mother's Day! Here's the awkward story of the night: My mom decided she wanted to see the movie, so we all went (naturally, to make momma happy). However, due to many families thinking the exact same thing, the place was packed. We ended up sitting at the very top on the very left hand side (facing the screen). My dad always has to have the end seat so he can have comfy leg room, and Michael always loves to sit in the middle of the row for the optimum viewing experience. Of course, I decided to sit by Michael in the middle, whilst Ryan and my parents sat at the end. I come back from getting a drink when I see a young guy who has decided to sit in between my family members. Awkward graph: (clearly not drawn to scale)

Naturally, once I come back, said man realizes that we're all together and says, "Oh, you guys don't want to sit together?" We then explained that Michael wants the middle, Dad wants the outside, blah blah blah. Now, here's the thing...we started this whole thing off with the armrest up. There comes a time when both people know it's too late to put down the, "Oh, sorry, I just now realized halfway through the movie this whole situation isn't going to work." I don't know, maybe that's just me. But apparently IT WASN'T just me because homeboy didn't put it down the whole movie either. Now, you may be thinking he was fine being nice and comfy next to me, but it was more like this. Ignore the female. I most certainly did not exhibit that behaviour.

Also, I kept waiting for a lovely female or buddy to walk up and greet him, taking the seat that I supposed he had reserved for them, but alas. He was alone. At a movie. What?? Alone? With nothing but an absent armrest to hold. He left quickly after the credits began to roll.

Lastly, Blake is back from ITALIA! On Monday, she came over to see my family and catch up on all things Italy, and we shared common European stories. She told tales about gypsies climbing through her sun-roof window, friendly Italians, and the food, OH the food. Then, we proceeded to watch the Bachelorette a very educational show on how NOT to date, stay engaged, or even hope of getting married. I've given up all hope for anyone who is on that show, but for some reason, us humans still find reality TV fascinating. I am powerless against it.

Until next time.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Flashback... my childhood. Today, I woke up at 11 and stayed in my pj's until 1 pm, watching a Disney Channel Original Movie. I will say this: they don't make 'em like they used to. Don't get me wrong, the Wizards of Waverly Place movie was entertaining (and Selena Gomez can actually be quite funny), but it'll never pass up Motocrossed, Zenon, Gotta Kick it Up, and The Thirteenth Year. Ever. Needless to say, it entertained me as I ate Honey Nut Cheerios and enjoyed reliving my childhood.

^Hopefully this will distract you for the next hour and a half. Fight the system! Forget finals!

I also snacked all day and later proceeded to the outdoors, where I read some Jane.

Nothing too interesting...this blog may or may not turn out to be an incredibly boring one. However, I'm a believer that 'tis better to post than not at all. Oh well. ONWARDS :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Off to a Lovely Start

For those of you that are still in school, YOU CAN DO IT! Every time I see a post about library living quarters or how many finals you have left, I say a little prayer!

On my end, I'm trying to squeeze as much in as I can already!

Every year, my church has a cake auction which raises money for high school and middle school students, and this basically means that it gives senior citizens the chance to outbid each other. Love it! Of course, it's not all seniors - some lovely parents are sprinkled in there, but the old folks just rock it. I believe the highest bid was over $300 because they go crazy for anything with chocolate in it. Michael made a 6 layer Ger-MAN chocolate cake that got around $150, and he made it all on his own. Granted, he almost forgot to put eggs in it and it nearly fell over half a dozen times, but, like a true man, it weathered the storms and made it to the auction table. (Insert manly victory yell here).

Here's the lovely beaut (please say this with a Scottish accent, which I've been fond of lately):

I also made a new friend! I didn't get his name (or his number), but we had a splendid time together.
I call him Costco Bear.

I've also been doing some reading (I have a goal of 15 books by the end of the summer!), so Jane Austen and I have been pals.

AND LASTLY, the favorite parts of my day lately, I've brought out my daily inner-child by Drawing Something (so proud of my lil' elephant!) and finishing the day off with Pocahontas.

I'd say I'm off to a lovely start.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

An Early Start

Since I finished classes at Oxford so early, that means I got a pretty good start on summer, starting on April 13th. After backpacking France and spending these last two weeks adjusting back to American life, I am very much looking forward to this summer. This is mostly just because I know there will be many entertaining stories that come out of it. This is most likely my last summer at home, and I want to make the most of it. This means I will hopefully be bringing out my inner-child to the fullest, complete with hopping on a bicycle and/or falling off a skateboard, actually swimming in the swimming pool, drinking lemonade out of colorful neon cups, videotaping lots, drawing with chalk, running through the sprinklers, breaking out the slip n' slide, reading books, and star-gazing on the warm pavement at night.

Of course, I will have some responsibilities - I'll be hopefully volunteering at church and a counseling center, there may be a musical involved, and if I find a job, I'll be all over it. BUT that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun on the way.

Here's to my (possibly) last childhood summer spent at home :)